Congregational Facilitated Conversation

Congregational Facilitated Conversation

Join us for a congregation-wide facilitated conversation on Sunday, February 23, immediately following the 10:00 a.m. service. This conversation is a critical element in helping the search committee discern who to call as our next rector. 

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Chili Cook-Off

Chili Cook-Off

Let’s all come out to enjoy the Chili Cook-off and see who will be a winner!

Prizes this year are as follows

First place $150
Second place $100
Third place $75

Enjoy a delicious spread of chili and all the fixin’s. Come taste and see who will take home the title of Chili Champion. Have your chili on site at 5:00pm for judging and Supper starts at 6:00. We. need helping hand for cleanup. If you can pitch in, please sign up on the sheet located on the table in the narthex.

Admission is free -Donations to the Rector’s discretionary fund are welcome and appreciated.

Don’t miss out—bring your appetite and join the fun!

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Quiet Day

Quiet Day

All are welcome to attend, even if you are not in Daughters of the King. The Rev Katherine Smith will be speaking on “Applying Benedictine Spirituality to our Modern Lives.”

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