When we say that all are welcome at St. Mark’s, we really do mean ALL. Wherever you are in your faith journey, whatever your place in life, we welcome you. As members of the Episcopal Church USA (the American branch of the worldwide Anglican Communion), we believe that God loves you - no exceptions.

  • Dana Moses

    Church Administrator

    Dana is the friendly voice you will hear answering the phone when you call or the face you will see when you stop by the church office. She can be reached by calling the church office or at secretary@stmarksjonesboro.org.

  • Valerie Johnston

    Church and Dayschool Bookkeeper

    Valerie can be reached at bookkeeper@stmarksjonesboro.org.

What are your worship services like?


St. Mark’s is what is known as a liturgical church. Our clergy and lay servers wear vestments and process up the center aisle at the beginning of the worship service. We follow a defined order of service that comes from The Book of Common Prayer. During every service, you will hear readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel. We observe the seasons of the church year from Advent through Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Ordinary time, and back to Advent again.

The word Liturgy means “work of the people.” The congregation definitely participates in every service. We say prayers together out loud, sing hymns together, move to the altar rail to receive communion, sit, stand, kneel, and sit again.

We feel that God speaks to us through the ritual of our liturgy, the mystery of the sacraments, the beauty and stories in our stained glass, the meaning behind our symbols, and the transcendence of our music.

What about Christian Education?


Children are welcome in all of our services. The sound of children in the service is the sound of life in the church. If you prefer, however, there is a nursery provided for infants to 4 years old during the 10am service. All our nursery attendants have had a background check, have been through Safeguarding God’s Children training, and are vaccinated.

Children 4 years old through 5th Grade have Children’s Church during the first half of the 10am service. During Children’s Church, there is an age appropriate reading of the day’s Gospel with a related craft. The children are brought back to be with their family for the Eucharist.

On Wednesday evenings during the school year is Christian Education for K-6th Grade. As with our nursery attendants, all Children’s Christian Education workers have had a background check, have had Safeguarding God’s Children training, and are vaccinated.

Also on Wednesday evenings is Christian Education for adults. This class is offered both in-person and online.

Is there a place for me to get involved?


Yes! Whatever your gifts, interest, or age, there is a place for you in the liturgical life of St. Mark’s. You can find your niche with the Acolytes, Altar Guild, Children’s Ministries, Daughters of the King, EucharisticMinisters, Lectors, Music, Two Saints’ Kitchen, Ushers or Vergers.